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Humans, forests, and machines – science and research expressed through the music of The Eastern Prof

Artist Eastern Prof: Human and machine

Self-driving forest measuring devices, robotic forest machines, citizen science in recreational forests – our UNITE competence centre aims to make breakthroughs in science, leading to revolutionary business. It combines intelligent sensor technology, multidimensional forest data modelling and inspiring gamification. An effective understanding of science requires us to use our emotions, our senses, and our bodies. In this spirit, Samuli Junttila, aka the rapper The Eastern Prof and a postdoctoral researcher at UNITE, presents musical edutainment to forest information lovers through the rhythms of his newly released UNITE rap “Human and Machine”.

UNITE, as part of the Academy of Finland’s Flagship Programme, will raise business-based forest research to a new level. By bringing game research to the forest sector, it will also create conditions for the sustainable well-being of nature and humanity. Gamification makes forest information fun and illustrative, and guides people to work together. UNITE’s partnership network includes several leading international research teams that do cutting-edge science. Yet, the activities at this flagship of science are anything but dry!

The UNITE flagship (‘Building resilience, redefining value networks and enabling meaningful experiences’ 2020-2024) is coordinated by the Department of Forest Sciences at the University of Eastern Finland. Other science partners include the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and the Gamification and Gaming Culture Research Groups of the University of Tampere. The still growing network of partners in the competence centre also includes approximately 25 companies or organisations, and more than a dozen partner universities around the world.

More info at:

UNITE Flagship Director, Professor Jyrki Kangas, University of Eastern Finland,, 050 344 9888

Postdoctoral Researcher Samuli Junttila, The Eastern Prof,, 040 715 3477

UNITE website:

UNITE on Twitter: 

UNITE Flagship inauguration press release: 

Academy of Finland Flagship Programme: