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Designerly ways of engaging with nature: Exploring the methodological landscape of more-than-human design research

We invite you to our Mindtrek 2023 workshop exploring designerly ways of engaging with nature.

What? The workshop will bring together designers and researchers working with, for, and around nature to discuss hot to engage nature as a key part of their work. Over the course of 8 hours, participants will share methods and tools they use in their nature-related work, co-experience each other’s practices within a real forest, and discuss how such a diverse pool of techniques and approaches can be brought together to conceptualize a landscape of methodologies for nature-related co-design.

Where? The workshop will take place on October 3, 2023 in Tampere (Finland). It’s part of the Academic Mindtrek 2023 program, an ACM conference that welcomes scientific contributions that may help to shape the way we interact with the technologies of tomorrow.

For whom? We invite any designer or researcher interested in nature as an area of exploration. Having prior work in the area of human-nature interaction design is welcome but not required.

Want to participate? Send a 2-page max. position paper in a pictoral format to by September 10, including: (1) a short bio, (2) brief account of your interests within the workshop themes, and (3) if any, a method/technique/tool you’d like to explore or discuss during the workshop. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by September 15.

9 -11 Sharing is caring
Participants will give an overview of their work and interests, including any method, tool, or technique they’d like to discuss during the workshop.

11-15 Methodological picnic
We will go out to a local forest and take our time to experiment with each other’s methods, tools, and strategies for engaging nature in designerly ways. Lunch will be had along the way, as a pic-nic, as yet another opportunity to engage with the co-experiencing activity.

15-17 Landscaping designing with nature
Back in the conference center, we will build on our lived experiences with each other’s techniques to begin to devise a landscape of methodological strands, challenges, and opportunities emerging in human-neture interaction design.

This workshop is co-organized by Oscar Tomico (Eindhoven University of Technology), Ferran Altarriba Bertran (EU ERAM and Tampere University), Svenja Keune (University of Borås and Royal Danish Academy), Oğuz ‘Oz’ Buruk (Tampere University), Danielle Wilde (Umeå University), and Ron Wakkary (Simon Fraser University and Eindhoven University of Technology).